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Euphorbia lenewtonii exotic cactus.


SKU: 5d28ad921dec Categories: ,

Euphorbia lenewtonii is a densely branching perennial herb, known from only one locality in Tanzania. It has green branches with some yellow highlights and forms tight cushions up to 10 cm tall and 50 cm in diameter, with the lower branches extended at ground level and rooting freely in contact with the soil.

Stems: Branches cylindrical, up to 8 cm long amd 1 cm in diameter, with raised tubercle-teeth about1 cm apart in 5 spiral series, green with scattered slightly raised whitish elongated markings. Spine shield crowning the teeth, isolated, oblong-triangular, 3 mm and 1.25 mm wide above the Spines, extending downward to 4 mm, whitish-grey.

Spines: Paired 5-8 mm long. The two stipular spines are shorter, about 2 mm long.

Flowers (cyathia): Yellow 3 mm long, 2.5 mm wide. Nectar-glands oblong, just touching, yellow.

Blooming season: Autumn to spring.

Size of the plant: 5 inches, blooming size.
well-rooted, healthy plant
Contents: cactus-1, potting mix, plant tag-1, pot-1.
FERTILIZER: Enrich the soil using a fertilizer rich in potassium and phosphorous.( bonemeal powder/BASACOTE FERTILIZER)
FLOWERING SEASON: It produces yellow flowers. This cactus blooms in late winter or early spring
WATERING: Indoor plants will need even less water than an outdoor plant because they are exposed to less sunshine. Keep in mind that overwatering is basically the only way in which you can kill a cactus. So, allow the soil to completely dry out before watering this plant.


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