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Echinopsis subduenta cactus plant ( size 3 inches) flowering size(Easter lilly cactus)

Original price was: ₹399.00.Current price is: ₹225.00.



SKU: 5176caa43021 Categories: ,


Echinopsis subdenudata, a globular plant with practically spineless or short cream spines, produces beautiful night-blooming, fragrant white blooms up to 22 cm long. Being a synonym of Echinopsis ancistrophora, it suggests that the two are similar.

The cactus has a spherical or cylindrical shape and can grow up to 30 centimeters in height and diameter.

It has a greenish-blue or grayish-green color, with numerous ribs and small, white spines.

Echinopsis subdenudata is a relatively easy cactus to care for, as it is tolerant of a wide range of temperatures and can go for long periods without water.

It prefers well-draining soil and full sun or partial shade.


Echinopsis cactus is Solitary or offsetting from near the base, globose, grey-green, flattened apically, 5-8 cm tall, 7-12 cm diameter (often elongate and up to 30 cm high in cultivation)


8–12, sharp, notched.

Areoles: Tiny, cream-colored, transversely oval, 1.5 cm apart.

Spines: Spineless or short cream or greyish brown spines, often concealed by areolar wool.


These cacti have beautiful night-blooming blooms towards the stem tips. They are aromatic, thin funnel-shaped, white (or very pale pink), with long, slightly curved tubes 15-22 cm long. Ancient plants may have many blossoms.

Flowering season: This plant blooms from late spring to summer. The flowers open on the morning of the first day and stay open all night, however they only endure one day in full bloom before withering.


Nourish the soil with potassium and phosphorus.
(bonemeal powder/basacote fertiliser)
It blooms white. This cactus blooms late winter or early spring.


Indoor plants need less water than outdoor plants due to less sunlight. Only overwatering can destroy a cactus. Before watering this plant, let the soil dry out.

Repotting: Every other year or when the plant outgrows its pot, this plant needs lots of root area.


This plant tolerates sunny conditions, which increases flowering, although direct sunshine during the hottest part of the day in summer can scorch or impede development.
It prefers afternoon shade or filtered sunshine.




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